I learn how to make my music box and did a practical on how to use the Fabrication machine
This was made during the practical
I decided to set the number of tabs to 5, in order to find the dimension of the tabs I use the formula e.g. length/ntabs_l
I first do the 2 different sides than I copy and move it to the opposite side
After that I create a new sketch and draw the holes for the top
Sketch for the top piece
I create a sketch and made a hole on oneside for the hinge.
Than i started making design on top piece, first by seaching an image online than trace out the image, I need to create a sketch and use the fit point spline function to slowly trace the image
I converted the Fusion360 drawing of the box into inkscape by creating a new sketch on each profile and save it as DXF. Than I transfer the dxf into inkscape
After that I save it into my thumbdrive than transfer to computer at the laser cutting machine
I glued the tabs together and mechanise down so that it will not move around and fall off.